About Us

Leadership Team

Founded in 2005, over 70 aviation companies around the world depend on Takeflite for planning, pricing, distribution, reservations, departure control, operations, crew scheduling, safety, cargo, and maintenance control. 

Jason Hopkins - Founder, CEO 
Jason's LinkedIn Profile
Jason oversee's the Takeflite Commercial team. Jason and his team oversee the Business Development, Client Support & Implementations across Asia Pacific, U.S, Africa and the Middle East.

Mark Griffin - Chief Technology Officer
Mark's LinkedIn Profile
Mark is a proven business performer and technology decision maker in architecting, delivering and supporting complex, agile and rapidly expanding complex environments and solutions.
Mark is responsible for overseeing the infrastructure, technical development and overall architecture and data science of Takeflite.

Craig O'Neill - Head of Product Development 
Craig's LinkedIn Profile
Based in Seattle, Craig oversees enhancements and the addition of new features to Takeflite, based on client needs and industry best practice.

Ty Edwards - Head of Customer Success 
Ty's LinkedIn Profile
Ty leads our global support and success teams spanning Asia Pacific, the Americas, Africa and the Middle East along with managing client onboarding.


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